Happy Anniversary To Me!

Today happens to be the day that a total solar eclipse will be visible to millions.

The next time Americans will see a total solar eclipse anywhere in the contiguous U.S. will be August 22, 2044.

God willing, I’ll be around to see it.

Also this week, a horrific bridge collapse occurred in Baltimore.

In addition to the tragic loss of life, I don’t think we’ve begun to see the economic effect it will have on us all.

I have one question that haunts me.

The news is reporting that they had about a 15-minute notice that a collision was imminent. That’s how they were able to stop traffic onto the bridge.

Why then didn’t someone evacuate the workers? Nobody is even asking the question.

In less important news…

Today I celebrate the 2nd anniversary of making my first BLOG post.

It’s a bittersweet day as it is also the day I will bid everyone farewell.

Few will realize that I’m gone though. Not many read my weekly post anymore. In fact, it does not even account for those related to me.

“As one door closes, another one opens.”

I want you to know I do not blame you for the lack of readers. It isn’t the main reason. It’s simply a symptom of the real reason. Lately, I have realized my writing all sounds boring and like I keep writing the same thing over and over.

I know everyone always says that you are your own worst enemy. Well, I feel like I’ve gotten lazy when it comes to my writing.

When I read what I put out each week even I don’t want to read my posts. I find myself writing in platitudes, with maybe a couple of exceptions. In my heart of hearts, I believe I was just holding out for this date.

I am not giving up on writing however. In fact, I will be writing a new BLOG now. It will be more along the lines of what I started to do nearly ten years ago… with a twist.

You may or may not recall that I once wrote a homesteading BLOG. I plan to return to that subject matter but to do so from a disability angle. There are organizations specifically dedicated to that. It’s going to require that I do some research on the topics I choose.

I will soon begin to do some things along those lines myself. After all, it was one of the main reasons why we moved to such a remote location all those years ago.

I realize that what I can do myself will be greatly limited at first. Realistically, I will have to rely on Jonell and Lydia more than I would like to admit. As time goes by though, I hope my desire to do will be motivation for me to get better quicker. It worked for me with the use of my laptop.

I will keep everyone posted on Facebook about my general health and well-being.

If homesteading is something you too have an interest in please follow.

I’m excited about the challenges that lie ahead. Both from a physical standpoint and from the new topics that there will be for my writing. I believe this change will bring about much growth for me.

Perhaps I’ll even begin to be somebody who actually enjoys what they write.

I appreciate everyone’s love and support over the last two years.

In case you are interested, the new BLOG will be called The Handicapped Homesteader. My first post will be next week.

Back to my roots! I look forward to drawing from the ways that I learned from my grandparents, Aunts & Uncles.

You may ask how someone who is in my condition can possibly do something like this? There are technologies available that will help, and for me it’s not about the many things I will probably never be able to do. It is very much about the things I can do.

With the help of Jonell and Lydia I am getting ready to start a garden. Nothing fancy mind you, just a few vegetables for now. But definitely, more than I would achieve were I to just lie here and do nothing.

My journey continues, it will just be along a different path!

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