The More Things Change…

Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” It’s really just a statement of the obvious. The reality is the future is a merger of our past and present. The inevitable outcome of the decisions we’ve made or are currently making. We create the person we ultimately become. Some would argue that fate determines our future, but that is saying we have no control over what happens. We have free will. To deny that is to admit to being no more than a puppet. I am who I am, because of the choices I’ve made. I disclosed in my last post that I am a conservative. A moniker I wear without shame. I am not however a fan of Donald Trump. I do not believe he is the man who should be leading our nation for the next four years. He comes with too much baggage, and I believe electing him would further polarize our nation. I don’t hate the man, I just don’t think he should be our President. I do not think Joe Biden should be the president either, an opinion held by most Democrats. That being said, it is highly suspicious that all of these grand juries that have been formed in all these various states against Trump and others. Why hasn’t this been done over the last four years? If you are a thinking person, whatever your party, you have to question the timing. And yet, most will hold their noses and vote the party line, the lesser of two evils, that’s the rationalization most will use to justify their vote. As I have said before, I confess to being a Libertarian. We keep getting told that we will waste our votes if we vote for a third party. Perhaps THEY just don’t want to lose THEIR power or the money that seems to flow their way. THEY of course are our elected officials in Washington. Somehow the laws they pass on us we allow, even as they exempt themselves from those same laws. Perhaps it’s time we all “waste” our votes? I just know that if we keep doing the same thing as a nation and expecting to get different results, we might as well check ourselves into an asylum now, for we have officially reached the definition of crazy. Laying here in this bed 24/7 has most assuredly given me a new perspective. Long ago I came up with a radical concept for choosing our representatives. A raffle-type system where anyone who meets the minimum level of qualifications may enter. Then we choose at random from the names that are submitted those who will represent us. No politics, no millions of dollars spent, no lobbyists being catered to. One term is served, and then you go back to live amongst the people and under the laws you’ve imposed. Making a living performing a “public service “job, was never the intent of our forefathers. Some have made it a generational vocation. And we stand by and watch as these men and women spend millions for a job where they will be paid a fraction of that. Name one job you would do that for. Our system is broken. We keep sending the same people to Washington and all we get is empty promises of change. Although I suppose they have delivered on the promise of change. I know I’ve got a lot fewer dollars and a lot more change in my pockets!

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Get Off My Lawn

I have been on a self-imposed hiatus of sorts. Some inner conflict that I needed to work through. In addition, I decided to reassess the direction of my BLOG posts. I started making my writings about and worrying about my popularity. How many views I was, or I should say, wasn’t getting, that’s what consumed me. I had forgotten why I started doing my writing in the first placeā€¦ me. Writing makes me feel good when I am doing it for myself. That’s what I need to get back to. I also planned for it to be a time capsule of sorts to reflect my true personality. It is something that future generations could look back on to glimpse how I lived if they so chose. Not that I have a special take on life. Let’s face it, I only garner the attention I do, because of my rare condition. Most of you would never have followed my journey otherwise. It doesn’t matter anyway as I have chosen to write about what makes me happy. To truly reveal the cranky, “Get off my lawn” attitude that many know me for. I’ll let you in on a little secret though; I have softened around the edges somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, I am still the gun-totin’, God lovin’, conservative I’ve pretty much always been. (There were a few times I allowed the media propaganda to sway my vote, and I’m ashamed to say I never voted for Reagan.) I know it’s a cliche to say, but I believe society is on the decline, and I long for the good ole days. No politically correct, common core bull that has everyone walking around on eggshells. I attribute my desire to grow closer to God, as a realization that I soon will be returning to the dust, despite my desire otherwise. I have decided to give my problems up to God. My constant pain and my complaints to my wife are about nothing compared to what Jesus endured on our behalf. Right now I realize that eyes are rolling if you even stuck around past my “coming out” as a conservative. My BLOG will continue, if only as my journal. By the way, I no longer will be posting on Facebook as I am admittedly a little butt hurt over the censoring of my posts in The Sullied Sinner. A closed group that is screened and asked if posts about God would offend them. I don’t understand Facebook’s need to control free speech. So despite my wife’s objections, I’ll no longer be their revenue-generating pawn. Bedhead Bob News Daily was created by Jonell on my behalf and I imagine she will continue to post there. However, if you wish to interact with me directly, you will need to do so through the BLOG or text if you have my number. For over 10 years I have been on Facebook, and, sadly, it had to end like this. In the end, I’m back to writing, but what I write and say will probably piss a lot of you off. But that’s alright because I will reveal a person that is closer to the person I am. Stubborn, opinionated (and someone who tries hard to draw closer to God. I most often fall short because I realize I’m not perfect, nor will I ever be. I’m just another crotchety old man, and if you don’t like what you see and read, perhaps it’s time you get off my lawn!

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