Where No Man Has Gone Before

I don’t have to explain the title if you are a Trekkie. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, let me fill you in, Trekkies are fans of the TV series Star Trek. It makes no matter whether it is a TV series, a movie, or both. (OK, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a nerd!) I’ve watched them all. They are filming a new movie as we speak. I was especially fond of the series with Captain Picard. He’s the one who would wave his hand after giving an order in his British accent and say matter-of-factly, “Make it so.” His way of telling someone to, “Do as l say.” The Star Trek saga was born on September 8, 1966. September 8th coincidently is the same day that I started this BLOG two years ago next month. The real reason why I told you all this is because it came to mind as I was thinking about my recovery. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just wave your hand and utter the words, “Make it so” whenever there was a problem you needed fixed? The reality is it will be a lot harder than I want to admit. The past month of my missing my two-a-days of the PT I was used to getting caused me to backside a bit, even though I have recently been able to raise my left lower leg. Jonell and Lydia did what they could, but without an aid it was hard. Everything changed on February 1st when I went on Medicare then changed again on March 1st when I went with a different company, giving me an Advantage plan. From what we have seen so far, neither one stacks up to what we had before. We asked, but going back wasn’t an option, in case you were wondering. This new plan will hopefully get better over time, as for now, it’s just a bunch of hurdles for Jonell. I’m sure we will find a way to make the new plan work for me, even though Jonell will go through many challengesi’m sure. Often in life, we try to find the easy way to get something done. When all the while the answer is in your will to work hard. Sure, sometimes you can just wave a hand and say, “Make it so,” but those times are few and far between. In reality, even if a suitcase full of money fell from the sky and landed on your front lawn, there would still be problems to deal with. Some things simply require your time and effort. We all look for shortcuts, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, some things require us to just buckle down and do the hard work. My recovery is one of those things. Whatever the future holds for me, it will happen despite my wishes. I do believe there are things I can do to help influence the outcome. But in the end, progress will probably only come from hard work! Now beam me up.

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